Friday, July 18, 2008

San Antonio-July 4th 2008

For a last hoo-rah before the baby comes, we decided to go to San Antonio for the 4th of July weekend. This was only made possible by the fact that Kyle has a great new job that is M-F. He is off weekends and gets home around 4:30-5:30 every day. Fabulous!! Since the 4th of July is Dar's birthday, we invited him along. We went to Sea World on the 4th. It would have been great, except it
kept raining off and on all day long. We got to see a few shows and Kyle and Dar rode a couple of rides. The fireworks and BBQ in the evening were really nice. Getting out of the parking lot, not so much. We waited over an hour and a half to get out!! Finally, we made it to the hotel. We had reserved a suite. It had a great view, but two double beds in the bedroom instead of one king. The next morning, we went to the Alamo and met Tina and Shannon there. I had asked the front desk for directions to Artisan's Alley, something different to do. Kyle and his dad went to Buckhorn Museum while Tina, Shannon and I followed the hotel directions to Artisan's Alley. Those directions led us to an artist frame shop. Yes, 20 miles out of the way, for nothing. Then, we attempted Market Square, paid $5 for parking. It started raining and since it's an outdoor flea market type of thing, that didn't work. So, we went and met the guys for lunch. After a rest at the hotel, Kyle and I went down to the Riverwalk and did the Riverboat Tour. Then, Kyle and I got a couple's massage at the spa at the top of the hotel. I nice little vacation for the end of the pregnancy.
Cool picture of the Steel Eel with clouds behind it.
Kyle and Dar on the grassy knoll where we at BBQ and watched the fireworks.
That's what a big, fat pregnant woman looks like after being rained on all day and her husband spilling chocolate ice cream on her white tank top.
In front of that really old tree that was moved to the Alamo.
On a fountain at the Riverwalk.
The view from the hotel room.

Christmas 2007

I'm going to blog first and then add the pictures. Christmas has changed a lot since we've all grown up, moved to different places, gotten married, and had kids. So, this year, the Vazquez clan hosted Kyle and I early in the morning to open presents. Then, later in the day, we invited friends over to Ray and Amy's and had a nice dinner and games. The characters in the pictures will be either Ray, Amy, Elena, Ray-Ray, Kyle or myself.

Ray-Ray is going to be a super-star of some sort. He loves any kind of ball, and he's got a pretty good arm.


WE ARE SO EXCITED!!! (I don't remember what toy this way-I think it was a motorcycle steering wheel type thing)

What did Santa bring?

Here, I'll help you.

A new giraffe-just like Ray likes sports, Elena loves animals.

Santa brings us jammies every year!!

What else?

I got a new flashlight, too!!
I have to tell on the kids. Of course, we all go overboard spoiling the kids. They had so many presents to open and they just wanted to play with what they had already opened. So, there was a semi-fight to get all the presents open-we did have to hide some along the way-out of sight, out of mind-to get them to open them all. One of Elena's arguments was, "Well, we're kind of tired...." So, we all said, "Well, then maybe you shouldn't get so many presents next year." They're worth every penny!!

What next?

The baby, of course. I convinced Kyle that we should start trying to get pregnant in October so that the baby would be due in the summer. We knew so many people that had problems, I didn't want to wait any longer and take any chances. So, we started. Then, I decided to start a Master's program. That was in November and we decided maybe we should stop trying and wait till I was half way through the program. We found out that Saturday that we were pregnant. God had a plan for us and we couldn't be happier. The pregnancy has been smooth sailing for the most part. All tests for the baby have been normal. I did go to the doctor on the 17th and the LPN said that he had a big head...not so comforting, but he'll come out one way or another. So, enjoy the belly pics and the ultra sound pictures. The top left is about 9 weeks, the next left is 15 weeks, and the third one is 23 weeks. Come back soon and I will add the really fat ones...from right now. We haven't taken them yet!!

These are pictures from the shower that my grade level gave me at work. It was fabulous. It was right up my alley. They had all kinds of chips and dip and they made cookie cakes decorated with trains (the baby's theme) and they had little trains on tracks. It was so cute. And, as you can see, Kyle was able to come and we got lots of GREAT gifts. Again, come back soon and I will add the pictures from my shower that Amy is throwing me tomorrow. I can't wait!!

And, the star, himself. We got to have plenty of ultrasounds. The first one, the red circled dot, was in December...I was only about 4-6 weeks pregnant. I had had some slight bleeding, so they checked to make sure he was okay. The next one was mid-January. This was done because I had been hospitalized for dehydration and they wanted to check on him again. The next two are from March 24. This was our official ultrasound to check all his organs and see what teh sex was...a boy. After that, we had another one because he didn't cooperate and they had to get all necessary pictures of all organs. And, I just had one on the 17th to try to determine the weight. Another warning to check back. I'll have Kyle scan those in so that I can post them.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Honeymoon (G rated)

We went to San Diego for our honeymoon. It was a GREAT vacation. Of course, there were trials along the way, but what experience of mine wouldn't be complete without drama? On the plane, we had a layover in El Paso...except the radio broke and we had to get off the plane and wait 2-3 hours for the next one. Then, our rental car company didn't pick us up after sending us back and forth across the sky bridge 3-4 times. We got another car, but it was a couple hundred dollars more. Finally, we made it to the hotel, in a squished up room with a full sized bed. I had the reservation receipt that specifically said king size. We had to fight with them for that night and the next day over that. After that everything was wonderful. This first picture is of us at Balboa Park. It is an area of museums and artistic stuff....not really that exciting, but very pretty.

This is Kyle enjoying the view from our patio. It was wonderful. Some other things we did....we went to the zoo-amazing. We went on a 3 hour personal bike ride. They usually only take groups, but they found out it was our honeymoon and took just the two of us. He gave us lots of local places to go to and things to do. It was great, but very painful on the booty. Also, the weather was so mild compared to Houston, we didn't realize we were getting fried.

These two pictures were taken on a break of the bike ride. On the seal, behind us is Mission Bay, an area more for motor sports than swimming. The other one is taken at Catamaran Resort Hotel....very nice and very expensive.

Drinking was involved....we decided after much running and going and everything else, we would take pizza, chips, and alcoholic beverages down to the beach for the evening and enjoy the sunset. I was being retarded and Kyle snapped the picture.

This is Kyle's picture from that same night. It was just gorgeous and wonderful. I wish we could move there.

This is the Hotel del Coronado. It is a historic site and you have to cross the amazing Coronado Bridge to get there. And, of course, the beautiful beach of Coronado. It is private. I actually called to check on prices to stay here (glad we didn't b/c it is out of the way and far away from the things we wanted to do.) When I called, I asked what kind of specials they had. She said they had a construction special going on with some of their bungalows becuase they were doing construction on that part of the hotel and it was noisy. Then, she went into detail describing it (nicer than our apartment). And, she wrapped it up by saying, "And the construction special on that is $2000 something a night." I said, "Oh, you meant for the week?" "No, I meant for the night."

Hard to see, but this is Kyle attempting to boogie board....he wasn't successful, but he had fun and

that's what matters.

We also went to Disneyland. There were two parks and we weren't sure which one to go to. So, we just picked one. This was the day after the bike ride and had already burned ourselves. We walked around the park we chose and realized that was the kiddie side. Half way through the day, we went across to the other park and figured out that was the adult side. But, we were so hot and burned, we waited in line for one ride and had to go back to the hotel.

I'll spare you anymore pictures, mostly because I'm tired of uploading and rearranging. I may come back and add some more later. We also went to La Jolla. It's a nice beach that has seals (or sea lions?) in their natural habitat. Kyle took tons of pictures. The waves were really rough here and it was pretty rocky.

We went hiking at Torrey Pines State Park. We only did one trail because it was so hot and Kyle wouldn't carry the backpack with the water. But, it was beautiful and amazing. So, this isn't great quality as copied on here, but Kyle took several pics in a row and then pieced them together to make a panoramic picture of a view from Torrey Pines.

Monday, July 14, 2008


There are tons of pictures on this blog-can't help it. I had more than 400 to choose from, so be glad I narrowed it down. Keep looking at the pics and there's a little story at the bottom. I was going to put them in some order of the day, but this was hard enough.

Getting pretty for the big day Getting pampered on the big day


We are goofballs!!

Being given away by my family

He didn't drop the ring!!

My dad came to the wedding-big deal if you know the family.

Awwww mom!!!

The guys

My dad (Harry), my sister (Amy), my niece (Elena), my mom (Cindy), me, Kyle, Ray-Ray, Ray, my brother (Shane), my sister-in-law (Kristy)

The quilt that I made
Girls gone wild!!
Okay, so I said I would go crazy with the rehearsal pics, but here's where I get really nuts. The wedding was perfect. I was very nervous before and just wanted to go. I finally got my sister and niece rounded up and got into my dress, only to wait, as you all know. I stood in my shoes for pictures, but decided they were too uncomfortable. So, I went sans shoes for the ceremony and reception-so classic me. You could hear my nephew trying to steal the thunder. He wanted his mommy and we saw him being passed around in the pictures. Also, after seeing the pictures, we realized that my niece was not standing in the front. She had seen Aunt Ellen, a great friend of my sister's and mine, and bee lined it to her. Other than that, it all went off without a hitch. Kyle was afraid he was going to drop the ring. He and his friends also weren't sure which way the ring went, if the wedding band went on the inside or the outside. We headed to the reception and that was trying to get in and out of Kyle's little car with all my wedding dress. The reception was also fabulous. The food was good, the service was wonderful, cake excellent...just as usual, I wish we could have had more. Oh, and of course, there was a friend's phone that rang with the tune of "Paradise City" during Pawpa's blessing of the food. I think everyone had a good time. Funny story about when we came, we're on our way back to the apartment for our "wedding night" and Kyle picks up his phone to call someone. I got mad. I said, "What's the matter with you? Put the phone down, this is our wedding night, you don't need to be calling anyone!" Little did I know that he had Michael and Andrew setting up the apartment. He had bought tons of little glass votive holders and votive candles and a particular CD and tons of rose petals. So, they were here, lighting the candles and put the roses down and getting the CD ready. Kyle's call was supposed to let them know that we were on our way home and they were to get the heck out of dodge. We get to the door, unlock it, and Kyle does his best to carry me across with all my dress everywhere. As soon as we cross the threshold, I see these two guys in my apartment. I freaked out. I was like, "What are Michael and Andrew doing here???" That's when the phone call was explained. So, we exited, stood to the side and waited on them to leave. Re-enter, carry across, make it most of the way to the bedroom and trying to get my uncomfortable get up on when I hear a knock at the door. Are you kidding me??? Michael forgot his Dr. Pepper and his phone. Finally, we were alone. Overall, a great night and made even more so by the funny stories. I know, not my best post, but I'm tired of messing with it and trying to make it work. Just enjoy!! You get the picture.