Friday, June 27, 2008

Our First Baby

Okay, so he's not a baby, but he was our first responsibility (other than the fish, but we keep that one under wraps.) This is Dawson. We adopted him from the SPCA in March of 2007. I was trying to blog in order, but forgot about this one. He is the dumbest smart dog we know. Here, he is laying in Amy's backyard. Most of you have heard the story of the night we brought him home, but let me recap. We were so excited to get a dog. We had been looking forever for just the perfect dog and as soon as Kyle saw Daws, he knew that's the one he wanted. So, the next day, I went and adopted him and surprised Kyle. I brought him home and since he has not once pottied in the house (unless we didn't take him out in time when he was on medicine). He didn't try to get on the furniture, he didn't try to eat our food. We were so lucky. We took him to Petco/Petsmart/Whatever and bought tons of stuff for him.

So, we spent the money for the adoption and spoiled him at Petco. We took him to visit his cousins at Ray and Amy's, Cappy and Copper. Then, we brought him home. We put down some carpet powder to vacuum. The powder was getting to Kyle and both
ering his asthma, so he decided to open a window without my knowing. The second I realized, I started to inform him that the window did not have a screen. But, at the same time I started saying that, we looked up and see the butt end of Dawson going out the window. Yes, here we are 9 at night, Kyle in boxers and a t-shirt, me in pj pants and a t-shirt-out the door after our dog. Kyle went around one way and I went the other. Next thing I know, Kyle has disappeared and so has Dawson-remember-Kyle in boxers and a t-shirt-no shoes or anything. So, I go in the house to lock the door, get shoes and get the car. I called Amy and she came over to pick me up. I didn't want to lock the door because Kyle didn't have his keys. After about 2 hours, I started to get VERY worried about Kyle. I was afraid he might have tripped and broken something or any number of things. So, I called 911. We had driven around everywhere looking for them. We were sitting in the apt. complex parking lot on the phone with 911 when my sister said, "There he is!" I turned around and there was Kyle!! 911 made sure he was okay, I started crying and told him how worried I was. He was covered in mud up to his knees, his feet were bleeding. As we're walking into the apt., Amy says again, "There he is!" We look and there is Dawson. We all froze, we didn't know what to do. Here, Kyle has chased him barefoot through people's yards and busy streets and now he stands looking at us, like "What next?" Amy, instead of chasing him, got him to chase her into the apt. And, that is the first night with Dawson.
Since then, he's gotten away about 7-8 times. He sneaks out the door if it's open a crack. We now have a baby gate in the entryway so that we can come and go easier without worrying about him getting out. Ray and Amy have dog sat a number of times and he gets out of there any way he can. He's nudged the back door open and gone out the front, he noticed a piece of wood in the fence blowing in the wind and snuck out that way, he's dug under the fence. We even purchased a dog trolley that shredded the first day he was on it. So, he's no longer welcome for overnight stays over there. We're still trying to figure out what to do when we buy a house. We love him, he's a good dog, he just doesn't like to stay at home.

4th of July 2007

For the 4th of July, we went to visit Kyle's dad, Dar. At that time, he still lived in Italy/Waxahachie/Middle of Nowhere. (Welcome to Houston, DAR!!) The 4th is Dar's birthday, so it was great for us to be able to spend it with him. Kyle had lots of fun attempting to blow different things up. He put blackjacks in the water, on the wind vein, and I don't remember where else. I loved being in the country. It is so relaxing. As you can see, there is a cornfield across the street from the house. It really is in the middle of nowhere. Dar cooked out on the grill. It was a great time and a great dinner. And, the fireworks began after a great sunset.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Spring Break 2007

We went to Washington, DC for Spring Break, 2007. Well, I went with the 5th graders and when they left, Kyle met me there. We had a fabulous time. Since I plan everything to a tee and I had been the last two years as a chaperone, I knew just how to do what when. We saw all the memorials, we were able to go into the Capitol. We took tons of pictures inside the Capitol, Kyle loved the architecture. We went to the National Archives, Air & Space Museum, the Natural History, up to the top of the Washington Monument. We enjoyed a night out at the Improv. We saw Flip Orley, who was hilarious-go see him if you ever get the chance. The whole trip was wonderful. It was like everywhere we went, we were able to get right in and there was no wait. Until, we had plans to drive to Monticello and then to Mt. Vernon. Kyle made fun of me because I was all bundled up. Turns out when we got there, it was sleeting...literally. We had to buy Kyle a sweatshirt and he was still freezing. Then, we went to Mt. Vernon, still sleeting. I really wish we would have been able to walk the grounds, but it was just too cold. All around, an enjoyable trip. The first picture is of us laying on the lawn in front of the Washington Monument. It was a beautiful day!!
A picture of the Capitol

The Lincoln Memorial at Night

The Washington Monument

Our new house!!!

Christmas 2006

Uncle Shane cookin' the turkey
Dude, are all those for me?

Silly Amy, panties don't go there!!

Aren't I cute?

Did you see all those presents behind me?

Our First Christmas Together

The Proposal

Okay, so that's a picture of both rings that was taken at the wedding, but it's the best I can do. Let me say, I was shocked and surprised when Kyle proposed and it did not go as he had planned, nor was it every girls' dream. We were getting ready to go to the ballet. It was the last day of school for me before the Christmas break. Ironically, that day at school, I had taken up a plastic super man ring from a student. I was going around telling people I was engaged and getting hugs and congratulations and then not so nice words when I showed off my fake superman ring. This was December 19, 2006. I came home and Kyle had cooked my favorite meal that he makes and attempted to make my favorite cocktail. We started getting ready to go to the ballet. I was whining because I had gained weight and nothing fit me. I was criticizing the coat jacket Kyle was wearing and told him to get a different one (meanwhile, he already had the ring in the inside pocket of the one he had on-good thing I was clueless). So, here I am doing what I do best, in Kyle's words, fussing about everything. I felt ugly and tired, Kyle had not turned off the Christmas tree lights like I asked and he grabs both of my arms and asks me to just stop. Exasperated, I said, "WHAT!!" He gets down on his knee and presents me with this fabulous spiel about how he loves me and always will and will I marry him. WHAT? ARE YOU SERIOUS? I really think those were my first words. Then, I asked if my family knew and if his family knew. Then, I kept saying I don't know, I'm not sure. Kyle, by now, is about to have a heart attack. Finally, I said, "Can I just see the ring?" Then, I said, "It sure does fit nice!" Threw tears and a mild stroke, Kyle finally got his yes. I called to tell my family, but they really all knew. He had asked everyone at Thanksgiving for their approval and permission and showed them the ring. So, the plans started rolling.

The First Few Days

Kyle and I met in a yahoo chat room in 2006. Wow, that seems so long ago. He immediately asked me out and I was afraid of crazy, psycho guy, but figured why not? I told my family if they didn't hear from me the next day, then they should call the police. Our first date was just a movie. I had a surgery scheduled the next day, Thursday. Kyle called over the weekend and asked to take me to dinner on Sunday. I was still a little doped up from the surgery and meds and couldn't drive. He was determined. He offered to drive from Spring to Friendswood to pick me up, then downtown to the place he wanted to go, then back to Friendswood to drop me off and back to Spring. Again, I thought, what the heck? Apparantly, I was a little more loopy than I thought. I revealed a lot about myself and my family and this time, it was him giving me another chance. Soon after, we were a hot item burning up IH45 to see each other-good thing gas wasn't as expensive as it is now, we might not have lasted. :)